My presentation slides are now up here.
The testing tool is still very early days, but it is based on some very cool research from Microsoft’s SQL Server team.
Say what you will about MS (and I have plenty to say), their QA is quite amazing and they are one of the only resources for information related to database QA. In case you didn’t know, the amazing randgen is based on research from their team as well.
I’ll be posting more about how to play with the tool later and it requires a bit of explanation, so I won’t go too deeply into it. If someone is just dying to try the new hawtness in dbms testing, you can contact me and I’ll see about getting you sorted.
I’ll just close with an explanation of the source of the name: kewpie = query probulator. Futurama for the win! That and it is every QA Engineer’s dream to have tools that leave the system under test feeling like this:
Many thanks to Javier for the use of the picture.
Hi Patrick,
Unfortunately I was not able to go to the conference and see your presentation live, but I have read the slides and I can only applaud you for creating such a good overview of important aspects within database QA, and some of the history of MySQL-related functional testing.
I hope kewpie (pronounced “QP”, right?) will turn out to be as successful (or more) as the RQG has been – what you have looks like a good start (judging from the slides and the research from Microsoft). Looking forward to see further developments in the future. Keep on blogging
Hi John,
Thanks for the nice review. The tool (you did get the pronunciation right, btw) still has a long way to go, but I hope that it will eventually help us poor, overworked QA guys with a shiny new tool for wreaking havoc ; ) Once I’m back home, I’ll be writing more on how to use it and showing off some of the tricks it can do so far.
On the randgen front, it looks like you are adding some cool new tweaks to the tool! Interestingly enough, it looks like the Postgresql guys will start using it soon – they were quite excited to find out that it already plays with their system : )
After the UC, I have a whole lot of new software that I will be trying to break (and blogging about) in the coming weeks >: ) go go randgen!
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